The concept  is the thing.

Creative direction is the umbrella, the rudder, the thesis. An organizing principle that dictates how and in what way all other creative decisions should be made.

Bobby Berk’s First Design Book

#1 New Release On Amazon

I worked with design expert and Emmy-nominated TV host of Netflix’s Queer Eye Bobby Berk to flesh out his unique take on home design as both a barometer and advocate for mental wellness. As the co-author, I co-wrote all text and led all creative + art direction for the book.


Bobby Berk Blog

People Mag

Bobby Berk IG

Creative direction can be a lens through which you examine something. In this case, mental wellness was the filter. Home design, placed under that lens, took on a new shape. Therapist, doctor, friend.”


The challenge was coming up with cohesive, on-brand messaging that would be quickly readable from or on a moving vehicle.

As Creative Director, I oversaw a team of junior copywriters, production designers and art directors at Karma Agency to concept a variety of deliverables for IKEA, including directional signage, social media ads, email and print campaigns.

Art and copy can never really be divorced. (And anyone who thinks so doesn’t totally get it.)

Editorial Strategy 101: Every hashtag, caption and headline should ladder up to the same overarching story—whether you're planning a seasonal campaign or positioning a start up from scratch. 

Cosign Projects

The Penultimate Brand Strategy Twofer: A value prop that doubles as an oh-so-clever positioning statement

As the Editorial Director, I worked with the team at Cosign Projects, a research and design consultancy, to rearticulate the brand positioning, messaging hierarchy and overall communications strategy for a B2B start-up in the mental wellness space.

SitOnIt Seating

In branding (and in life): Lead with what makes you different.

As the Editorial and Strategy lead, I oversaw the first round of brand story rebranding for SitOnIt Seating, the leading B2B shop in the mid-market contract seating space. I also led the UX strategy for a textile customization microsite—the first and only one of its kind to date.

The difference between B2B and B2C? Nothing. Everyone is a user at the end of the day.

If you’ve lost your customer, you’ve lost. Period.

As the Editorial Director for Indigo & Chalk, I created brand story infrastructure and clear messaging hierarchy for a retail consulting start-up.